I'm sure we got your attention, well my teddy black bear. Actually this outfit is used by the tsotsil men, it's made of sheep, the women used it as a skirt, one of the most expensive costumes you can get, it wasn't in our budget. --- Seguramente captamos su atencion, bueno es mi osito negro de peluche jeje, en realidad, este atuendo lo usan los hombres tsotsiles es de pura lana de oveja y las mujeres lo usan como falda, el mismo material, es muy cara porque cuesta mucho hacerla, pero no estaba en nuestro presupuesto y es muy batallosa para ponerse.

We visited the "Grutas Rancho Nuevo", caves, 10 minutes away from San Cris. - Visitamos las Grutas Rancho Nuevo, son unas cuevas que quedan a 10 min.de San Cris.

Funny picture of the Cong.,(you can enlarge it and have fun!)- La Foto comica del Recuerdo.

San Cristobal de las Casas Ingles congregation - La Cong. de San Cristobal de las Casas Ingles.
We had a great and cold day in service today. We will tell you more about it tomorrow, Jh's willing, it's late and we are tired...... Tuvimos un excelente y frio dia en el servicio, primero Jh, manana les platicamos, hoy ya es tarde y estamos cansaditos.
These are certainly fun pictures. Art looks oversized in his teddy bear outfit. Looks like he grew out of the sleeves. Must have been a funny picture and normal picture of the congregation. Love it. It looks like it is cold in the Kingdom Hall. Is it?!?!?!?