We decided to explore our surroundings and locate the KH with Art's aztec inteligence we got lost :) hahahaha but we ended up discovering many many beautiful spots, architecture and food, we are still in amazement of the beauty that surrounds us. San Cristobal has many visitors from Europe, especially french, germans, swedish and lots of Australians, we also came accross argentinians, and other nationalities in our short visit. We located the KH, only 2 blocks from our apartment (daaaa!). We got ready for our meeting at 6 pm (in Chiapas meetings are earlier, people live simpler lives), we were pleased to see the beautiful KH where the new english cong. meets and of course the JW that attend it add to the beauty.
The cong.started just last Dec. 1st. Formed by about 30 publishers, 18 reg.pioneers, lots of single brothers and sisters serving where the need is greater, we came accross people from Louisiana, others from Texas, New Mexico and of course our dear spanish brothers and sisters. It is a privilege to be on the ground work and helping support a new cong.before Jehovah our God. At the end of the meeting we considered it a privilege the announcement that the whole cong. were really happy to welcome us into their cong.
Started FS at 9 am. We had a small service group but with a large heart. We walked and walked and walked and WALKED!!! Cars are scanty here so all of the territory is by foot mostly, we did door to door all day from 9.30 am to 6 pm. Art found a guy from London who showed some interest and invited him back. Other 4 return visits were found within the group.
While we were on the territory, -around 11.55 am- someone in the group noticed there was gun powder (polvora in spanish) with M-8O's (explosive device) all through many blocks, and we realized it was a religious festivity for some saint starting at 12 pm!!!! so for our ears sake we had to leave the territory!!! The neighbors told us it could get pretty loud and smoky and it did!!! We watched from far and there was a music band, as they were playing all the firecrackers were going off behind them till they reached the church, it was quite a sight to see how christendom misleads their flock.
We went out for lunch with all our service group, it was really nice to be taken where the locals and not any local but where the Local Pioneers go (and so far our stomachs are OK, they haven't complained at all) the food was really tasty and for about 20 usd all 7 of us ate rrrrrrrrrrrrreally good.
In the afternoon we went out with the service group at 4 pm and worked more territory, we rode with 2 pioneer sisters from New Mexico and other 3 single sisters (Michelle, Virginia, Shelly) and poor Art he's cultivating more self-sacrifice, he had to be in the back of the car (he turned from driving everyone up in Oregon to be driven down in Chiapas, he looked soooooo cute!)
We went for dinner and had a very nice pizza where the pioneers recommended us, after that our day ended with really sore but happy feet (como pollos espinados jajajajaja :)) walking up hill like an 80 year old couple, hanging on from each other, and wanting to get a taxi sooooooooo bad being only 4 blocks away. We hope you all enjoy the nice fresh pics just taken. Give us a comment if you can. We love you!