We took a flight from Mzt to Mexico city and Mx city to Tuxtla Gutierrez (the capitol and over 1 hour away from San Cristobal). Arrived to Tuxtla at 8:30 pm, we had arranged that we would be picked up by a brother who offers taxi services. He receives us with the Bible Teach book on his hand since we had no idea how he looked. As we are leaving the airport, we were stopped by the Highway Patrol or Policia Federal, turns out the taxis in Tuxtla don't want taxis from San Cristobal picking up people (same situation as in Mazatlan with the taxis). As the problem was corrected we left to San Cristobal, on the way there we asked the brother how he got the truth, to our surprise he told us he's been in the truth for a short period of time, only 4 years, turns out he was a soldier for the army in Mexico for almost 10 years, his wife started to study and when he realized it was the truth he resigned the Army, he actually told us they didn't want to accept his resignation, his wife and mother told him if he was sure of this decision, he was a personal chofer of a chief Commander in the Mexican Army, this meant a huge economical sacrifice since his money was always there (he mentioned always had in his pocket from 500 to 1000 usd a month, for this area it's a lot), now he works as a taxi driver from 3 pm to 3 am, he says he loves this job because it gives him time for Field Service in the mornings and when he has a meeting he stops working for few hours, he told us he values so much Jh's Organization and what we have, compared to his former life. Very nice brother, very encouraging to us, with spiritual focus 1st. (attached a picture, his name is Benignio or "Beny"). Today we toured San Cristobal, we will publish tomorrow some pictures of this awesome town. Saludos y abrazos a todos!!!
Hola Art n Sofia. Good to hear of such wonderful experiences of Bro. Benny. Such an example for putting all his trust in Jehovah, as we should do the same. Looking toward to hearing more experiences from San Cris and the Congregation. Heard there is a fine Italian Rest., great reviews too. Check it out and let us know. Buenos Noches, Jeannita