Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Service in Mazatlan (Wed. Dec 9th,09)

Service is very good in Mazatlan many different ways to approach people from door to door or street work. Many people don't have anything but are very happy to listen to everything you have to say. Street work was very nice today, walking on the board walk enjoying the Bonita scenery we approached different walks of life we had a very nice canadian lady take magazines from us and a surfer from L.A. too etc. Afternoon service was very interesting we went to a rough part of town many people did not speak english but many were very pleasant to talk to in spanish yes!!! I'm learning to converse with people in spanish -with Sofia and Jehovah's help-. Surprisingly, Sofia and Loma and Carleen found 2 houses where 2 men had come back from living in the USA for many years, so this is where the english congregations are really helpful, the congregation that we are attending has 67 publishers, at the present time, they are conducting up to 125 Bible Studies. I was with a brother named Gary and talking to a family about the Bible, they spoke very little english but was very nice. We were walking back to our car then the mother ran to us asking about how her daughter could learn english. We showed her the Greatest Man Book I explain to her this would be a very helpful book for a young lady, Yes I placed it, Jehovah will bless her with insight when reading the Greatest Man Book you never Know what this young lady will do with this wonderful spiritual food.

1 comment:

  1. Great job. Jehovah is surely blessing your efforts. Say hi to our friends in the English Congregation. Looking forward to Chiapas.
