Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good experiences and Rock Adventures (Thurs.Dec.10th, 09)

We went to a remote part of town today. It was marvelous, we talked to many people today. As we are heading to the territory Sofia started our time calling a former Bible student, her name is Nancy, some years ago, Sofia and Nancy studied together at Nancy's school hiding from her mom ( who at that time was very opposer), as time went by, Nancy marries her longtime boyfriend (who was raised as a JW but was inactive) but never progressed. Today Nancy tells her that she and her husband are seriously studying together and are not missing their studies, they actually are having an informal Bible study with her mom (who is a high Executive in the most important bank in Mexico), to our surprise, this made my day :) (Sofia speaking...)

Then as we got into the territory, we had an opportunity to talk to a lady that told us her husband speaks english, since he works for a fishing fleet and deals with foreigners. Well, the neat thing about our conversation is that she desperately need a Bible in spanish(we had none, aren't we called Bible Students?), we told her we would bring her one tomorrow (so we'll keep you posted on how it goes).

To my surprise, Art said "HOLA, COMO ESTAS SENOR?" to an older guy -curious about what we were doing-, after giving him our explanation -with Sofia's help of course- Art shared his "precious all purpose" rock that he got from Sofia -which she got from Lorna Renfrow-, the rock is called Thunder Egg (here in Mexico 50 % of the houses don't have a doorbell, so you have to have a rock to knock on doors, fences, gates, cars, poles or whatever happens to be your means to let people know you are at their door)....back to the story...... the senor was impressed by Art's rock so he wanted us to show us his rocks, we agreed, he gave us a seat, we discussed his rocks, ours and the Kingdom message, his daughter came out and join us, he encouraged us to study wit his daughter to teach her english and wanted her to attend meetings, he would accompany her, we shall see..... With our amazement, as we were walking back to meet our friends they thought we had been kidnapped and they had approached a door that had a lot of noise in the house, he thought he had heard my voice, of course, the people automatically turned to being quiet, he went and get his car, he was contemplating to use it as a battleing ram to rescue us from the supposedly "drug lords".....all this started over Lorna's rocks.(say hello to her please). Then they heard our adventure starting conversations with rocks and they wanted our rocks (we only share our rocks with special people).


  1. In the culinary district......went to heaven today at my amazement, I ate the best tacos on earth, they were carne asada (beef) with the best salsa and guacamole you can imagine, to my surprise....that fast we did went to the toilet......... oooooopssssssss!!!! A warning to all: The food is absolutely W O N D E R F U L!!!! and awe inspiring. To top it off, Sofia's mom is one of the best cooks I have ever encountered (of course after my wife and mom). The seafood is absolutely devilicious.

  2. Great to hear about your rock experience. Should I bring more rocks next month when we go to Chiapas? Please Give us a follow up on your call. Such adventures your are having in Mazatlan.
