We apologize for not posting anything this week. Too much fun and we had the "welcome to Mexico" syndrome :-(. But tuesday we were back on our feet. If you may recall Sofia met a sweet lady that wanted a Bible......we had brought a Bible already and tuesday we came back and started a Bible Study in spanish -as usual-, the lady said: "If it was for me, I would study every day",-she lives in one of the most isolated places in Mazatlan- so she is being visited frequently. That same day, Art and Martin Thody were looking for an english speaking fellow named Juan, as they came back to the car a young man driving a fruit stand truck recognized us and asked desperately the car group if we had any magazines for him, as usual, Art pulls out a huge stack of magazines from his service bag, the gut says excitingly: "Oraleeeee!!!" (which in spanish means Wow!), Art gave him a choice of magazines and showed him the one in alcohol, he said he didn't drink but it would be good to read it, showed the one on the Divorce and said: "Wacala!!" (meaning yiak!) but he found very interesting the "W" on the Six myths, so we purchased some fruit from him, as he's driving away, he's attentively looking at the magazines eager to read them. It's very refreshing to find so many people that have respect and appreciation for the truth. You can see the pictures speak louder than us, in the background you see him in the truck with a "peace sign", soooo funny to watch.
That same day we were adviced that beginning February for the Special Talk there will be a special campaign in some spanish congregations to advertise the special talk in english in a particular Kingdom Hall where there are none english congregations, right now as of Jan. 1st there will be 4 in our dear Mzt. There's a lot of potential for more growth. The picture of KH shows where the talk will be given. This is something historical since the spanish congregations have never given this kind of support before.
At night time we met up with some sisters that serve in a Nahuatl cong.(indigenous language) and sign language cong. Sofia was very refreshed to hear that some people with whom she was studying Jh keeps making it watering and growing, one indigenous lady is already attending frequently to the meetings and her husband who previously was studying in spanish now is studying with the nahuatl cong and recently gave his 1st Bible Reading, what a loving provision from our God to have these congregations, they also went to the Convention last weekend.
We had a good long day. We went to try a former call that Sofia had, turns out, the lady moved, ouch! But to our surprise now lives a German fellow named Marcus from Munich (Eva Haynes and Rosy Beringer would be happy to talk to him), he's an english and spanish teacher in that house and has lived here for 3 years, the good part is that he asked us for a Bible and he mentioned that he likes JWs, he says that if you have a JW as a neighbor he said: "you won't have any problems", well, we said thank you and would love to bring him one, you have to keep reading.....
We went back to a remote area of the town to work territory and found 2 more that spoke english but not at home, you can see some pics of the area.....
We also want to share our favorite place for lunch, it's called "La Cocina de Ana" and yesterday 5 of us ate lunch for 14 usd, it's soooooooooooooo good. Attached some pics.
Today we were able to get a brand new english Bible to Marcus (the german guy), he was very thankful and impressed at our speed, he said: "you guys have better service than UPS" hahaha! he said: "How much I owe you?", he gave us a good amount for the area as a expression of appreciation. So we were really pleased to be used by Jh to bring him His word, so we left the door opened for a future conversation.
Of course Jehovah wants us to enjoy His creation, we had a gorgeous sunrise view this morning from our bedroom ( Art wasn't conscious by the way hahahaha! I took it), after service we hiked up to the highest natural lighthouse in the world to see a breathtaking sunset, as we hold hands we remembered good old times a year ago when Art's heart opened (El amor le derritio el corazon)
What wonderful experiences you are having. I am excited for you and the rest of the english congregation. These experiences really does make you heart rejoice when you see how people are really thirsting for spiritual food. You are planting many wonderful seeds of truth. Keep up the good work and also enjoy some relaxation.